Saturday Cook Up – BBQ Chook on the ‘Roasta Prong’
It’s a tradition at Lifestyle BBQs that whoever pulls the Saturday shift gets to cook up something for lunch. Today I’ve found a chook in the fridge and decided to cook it on the Roasta Prong, one of the best BBQ accessories you will ever own. It’s simple to use and easy to wash up.
- Whole chicken
- Olive oil
- Salt
1 Wash the chook under cold water and dry with paper towels.
2 Get a baking pan or alfoil tray like I’ve used and put about a cup of water in it. The water just helps keep the moisture in the chook while you’re cooking it.
3 Slide the Roasta Prong through the chook. You’ll find that the wings and legs hang down so just grab a couple of bamboo skewers to pierce through the chook and hold them in place. It’s a good idea to soak the skewers in water first so that the tips don’t burn during the cooking process.
4 On a 4-burner BBQ you’ll want to put the two outside burners on medium heat and leave the two middle ones off. Position the chook right in the middle and drizzle with olive oil and add some sea salt.
5 It should take about an hour and twenty minutes in a 4-burner depending on the size of the chook. You can follow the same procedure for a 3 or 5 burner BBQ it will just cook a little faster in the 3-burner and take a little longer in the 5-burner.