Whole Red Queensland Snapper with Mediterranean Marinade
A couple of weeks ago I decided I better test out the fish grilling basket. It’s a great accessory for cooking a whole fish on the BBQ. I choose a Queensland Red Snapper and found a great Mediterranean Marinade recipe.
For the Marinade
- 1 tomato, diced
- 3 Lemons, 2 zest & juiced, 1 cut into wedges
- 50g of capers
- 3 chopped garlic cloves
- 1 tbsp of cumin
- 1 tbsp of paprika
- 1 cup chopped continental parsley
- 1 onion chopped
- 50mL olive oil
- Sea salt & cracked pepper
For the Snapper
Whole Red Queensland Snapper (I used a 1.5kg Snapper)

1 Combine all the marinade ingredients in a bowl and season for taste.
2 Take the solid hotplate out and move the grill/s into the middle of the cook top. Put the two outside burners of your BBQ on medium to high (depending on the size of your BBQ) and leave the middle burners off. The temperature should reach 180 to 200 degrees Celsius.
3 Prepare the fish by cleaning and scaling it (unless it’s already done) and score the fish with three incisions along the fillet about half-way through to the spine.
4 Add the marinade to the incisions and the centre of the fish and season both sides with salt and pepper. Put the fish into the fish grilling basket.
5 Put a bit of alfoil down on the grill/s to avoid making an unnecessary mess of your BBQ. You can also use an alfoil baking tray.
6 Now just put the fish into the centre of the BBQ and lower the hood.
7 Cooking time is around 25-30 minutes per kg. You can remove the alfoil and put the burners on underneath the fish for the last couple of minutes to give it a little bit of colour.
8 When the fish is ready it will be tender to touch, and its eyes will be pearl white.